You've never seen anything like this girl's vape tricks

You've never seen anything like this girl's vape tricks

31 May is World No Tobacco Day. But after seeing this video, you might want to think twice before switching to vaping.

vape tricks
Youtube screenshot

31 May is World No Tobacco Day, a chance for people all over the globe to abstain from tobacco consumption for a full 24 hours.

The World Health Organisation hopes the day of reflection will give people a chance to reflect on the negative effects of smoking on health. 

ALSO READ: Proposed new tobacco laws predicted to 'go up in smoke'

In recent years, people have switched to vaping, a smoking alternative that eliminates tobacco almost entirely. 
For some, vaping also offers opportunities to socialise with a group of friends and, in this young woman's case, to learn to do new tricks with smoke. 

Her friends cannot believe their eyes as the woman blows the smoke through her ears. How did she do that?

According to Mashable, the woman was likely able to blow the smoke through her ears because she had a myringotomy tube inserted in her eardrum when she was younger. If she hadn't had an ear infection as a child that required the tube, she may not have had the canal openings necessary to blow the smoke. 

While this trick can definitely be explained by science and appears to have left the woman unharmed, it is best not to try this at home. 

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