Woman saved from lightning strike by iPhone pop socket

Woman saved from lightning strike by iPhone pop socket

A woman in the United Kingdom was filming video of her neighbourhood as a dark storm settled overhead. The likelihood of being struck by lightning while doing so never occurred to her. 

tracey kutuol at the window
Twitter/Katielee Arrowsmith/SWNS

When Tracey Kutuol of Galshiels, Scotland stood up to stand by her bedroom window, she wanted nothing more than to capture the dark mood in her neighbourhood during a rainstorm.

She aimed her phone at the sky and was getting decent footage before the unexpected happened: she got struck by lightning. 

The phone flew out of her hand and Tracey, stunned but fortunately unhurt, can be heard saying "I just got struck by lightning! I just got struck by lightning!"

Tracey believes that if she did not have a decorative pop socket on her phone, the phone would have exploded when the lightning struck and she would have been hurt severely.

Tracey described the horror of realising that she had been struck by lightning: "You have no idea how powerful lightning is, I could still feel pins and needles from my left hand starting from my pinky all the way up to my elbow. When it hit, it was like a big blue light. That was when I realised that my life flashed before me. I just threw my phone and we all started to panic and scream."

Tracey acknowledges the risk she took by filming the storm in the first place and says that she hopes people will see how dangerous it is to try and film a thunderstorm and avoid making the same mistake she did. 

Do you think it is possible for a rubber phone accessory to save a person from being seriously injured by a lightning bolt?

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