Watch: take a stand against women and child abuse

Watch: take a stand against women and child abuse

You see someone beating up a child in the middle of a street. Do you intervene? Or do you figure it's between the person and the child they are minding? Take a stand against women and child abuse at the 1st For Women Sisters With Blisters Protest Walk.

Sisters With Blisters

Abuse, unlike the social experiment in the video, is a reality that many South Africans contend with. The 1st For Women Sisters With Blisters Protest Walk is an opportunity for you to take a stand for the protection of women and children. 

Sister With Blisters

The experiment shot in Stockholm, Sweden over three days saw 35% of passers-by walking on without intervening. This means an overwhelming 65% did, which speaks volumes for the citizens of Stockholm. 

Sisters With Blisters
Sisters With Blisters

Watch the full video below and be inspired to use your #HeelToHeal at the 1st For Women Sisters With Blisters Protest Walk on the 21st of November, 2015.

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