This store lets your dog ride on its trolleys

This store lets your dog ride on its trolleys

A store in Italy has re-designed its trolleys to make them dog-friendly; making it possible for dogs to ride along with their owners during shopping.

Dog on trolley

A dog is a man's best friend, and we all know shopping can be lots of fun when you are accompanied by a friend.

The Unes grocery shop in the city of Liano has a special partitioned section on their trolleys, which has a solid bottom, allowing dogs to sit or stand up front, Metro reported.  

How cool is that!


"The owners of small dogs can now avoid having to leave them outside, giving them peace of mind to take all the time they need to make their purchases," Gianfranco Galantini, owner of the store, told La Repubblica.


And it seems the initiative is a hit with consumers.


"The initiative launched just recently, but we’ve already noticed how much our customers appreciate it," Galantini added.


If you are worried about hygiene, the store reportedly has each trolley cleaned after use.

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