People keep mistaking this albino peacock for a ghost

People keep mistaking this albino peacock for a ghost

Bertie is an all-white albino peacock who is looking for love - but every time he steps out to look for a mate, it terrifies the neighbours. 

albino peacock

Bertie the albino peacock lives in West Sussex, United Kingdom with his owner, Jo Wilding. Every year during mating season, Bertie goes out in search of a companion, but the results are not always good. 

Given his stark white body and feathers, Bertie has a very strange appearance. People who have spotted him have described the bird as a "ghost".

One of Jo's neighbours, Rose Botting, had a run-in with Bertie recently when she found the white peacock in her backyard. While Rose was surprised, she is not unaccustomed to seeing Bertie around the neighbourhood. The bird is known for its yearly quest to find a partner, a mission which has thus far been unsuccessful. 

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Seeing Bertie on the roof, Rose decided to coax him down using the sound recording of a peacock's mating call. The idea worked and Bertie, first believing he was hearing the sounds of a potential mate, flew down from the roof. 

This may be another year that Bertie does not find a partner in West Sussex, but it looks like he made a firm friend in Rose: "Bertie needs a bride, he’s been stood up. Let’s hope he finds himself a bride who is younger and more appropriate than me and he will be happy."

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