Live weather forecast interrupted by fluffy dog

Live weather forecast interrupted by fluffy dog

If you work in live television, you should be wary of taking your pets with you to the office...

weather report
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The people of New Hampshire got a pleasant surprise when they tuned in to watch the daily weather forecast on local news channel, WMUR-TV.

Just as meteorologist Josh Judge was explaining the highs and lows for the next few days, a dog named Bella walked past the green screen behind him. Josh did not miss a beat, pausing only to remark: "...there is a dog behind me." Bella, for her part, looked completely unbothered as she strolled past. 

Josh carried on reporting and took the opportunity to incorporate a pun into the forecast, saying: "it's not the dog days of summer just yet, but it will be warmer than you would expect for this time of year".

Bella, who reportedly belongs to Josh's co-anchor Amy Coveno, definitely added some sunshine to the set. 

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