Goose swoops into stadium during baseball game

Goose swoops into stadium during baseball game

A goose flew into Comerica Park and stopped play during a baseball game between the Los Angeles Angels and the Detroit Tigers. 

goose in stadium
Youtube screenshot

Spectators at the Los Angeles Angels versus Detroit Tigers baseball game in Comerica Park, Detroit got more drama than they bargained for when a goose flew into the stadium

The goose landed on the field and then had trouble getting high enough into the air to fly out of the stadium. Stadium staff ran after the bird, trying to catch it and remove it so that the game could resume. 

It is not clear what made the staff believe that they could outrun a goose. The goose soon gets high enough to make one final attempt to leave the stadium. Unfortunately, the bird overestimated its altitude and flew straight into a scoreboard. 

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It fell into the stands and landed on its feet. A Tigers fan picked up the bird and took it out of the stadium. Thankfully, it was not injured. 

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