Do you think this teacher is dressed appropriately?

Do you think this teacher is dressed appropriately?

A teacher is being questioned on how she dresses to teach.

teacher dress
Patrice Brown

A teaching assistant from Atlanta has come under fire after sharing pictures of her at work. The #TeacherBae started to trend worldwide as her work attire came into dispute.

Patrice Brown teaches children between the ages of 9 and 10 years old.

One woman commented: ‘That teacher looks good af but her attire is just inappropriate to be teaching a 4th grade glass. Little boys are pervs by like 2nd grade.’

However, many, many others stood up for the teacher, pointing out that the real issue – given that Patrice is wearing work appropriate clothing in all the pictures – is that she has curves.

Do you think that there is a problem with how Patrice is dressed?


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