Crafty cat clings to car speeding down Nebraska highway

Crafty cat clings to car speeding down Nebraska highway

A family in Nebraska was surprised to see a wily cat clinging onto the top of a car as it sped down the highway. 

cat on highway
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What do you do if you spot your neighbour's cat surfing on the top of a moving car?

The Rankin family of Omaha, Nebraska witnessed just this kind of incredibly stunt when they spotted a cat clinging onto the roof of a minivan that was cruising down the highway. 

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One of the younger member's of the Rankin family first noticed the cat and alerted her parents to it. The family tried to get the attention of the driver of the other car so that they would stop and let the cat get down. 

How did a cat get onto the roof of the car? And where is its owner?
It turns out the wily cat belongs to Michelle Criger, who was also the driver of the car. Michelle told local news that her cat, fittingly named Rebel, was prone to "take off and do whatever he wants".

It was two miles (about 3 kilometers) before Michelle was able to pull over and check that her cat was safe which, thankfully, he was. 

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