Bystanders witness fierce death match between raccoon and iguana

Bystanders witness fierce death match between raccoon and iguana

Floridians witnessed a gruesome fight between two unlikely opponents - a raccoon and an iguana. 

raccoon v iguana
YouTube screenshot

While out on a smoke break, a man in Boca Raton, Florida saw something quite incredible: a raccoon and an iguana engaged in a vicious fight. 

Ordinarily, he may have written it off as just an ordinary scuffle between members of the animal kingdom. But it soon became clear that the raccoon was out for blood

Before the man knew it, what looked like a scene out of an award-winning nature documentary was playing out in front of him. Having already bitten the lizard's tail off, the raccoon ran after it and sank its teeth into its neck. The raccoon stepped on the iguana, clearly meaning to end its life. 

As the raccoon eventually dragged the iguana away, a piece of the lizard's tail was left wriggling eerily on the side. 

It's a cruel fate for the iguana - but the witnesses definitely had a very interesting story to tell when they got back to their desks!

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