Are you a maths whiz? Try this question to find out

Are you a maths whiz? Try this question to find out

A deceptively simple maths question has stumped adults and raised concerns about the standard of education in Japan.

head scratching

Once you leave school, you retain all the important knowledge, right? You know the basic rules of language and grammar, you know the facts about gravity, and you can do simple mathematics without using a calculator (and you are eternally grateful that you no longer have to memorise complicated formulas).

But once in a while, you do enjoy a challenge. And that is where a Japanese mathematics riddle comes in handy.

A mathematics problem that called on people to use all the basic functions - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division - in a complex order left adults in Japan stumped.

It may look simple, but it is very easy to be trapped into the wrong answer. Can you beat the odds?

japanese math puzzle

According to The Telegraph, only 60 percent of Japanese adults who attempted the problem during a study arrived at the correct answer. This is down from the 90 percent who got the correct answer when a similar study was conducted. 

Do you know the answer?

Here's a hint: remember to use the basic order of operations you were taught in primary school. And, if you choose to use Google, play close attention to how the form of the equation changes when you write it all out on one line.

Good luck!

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