Adorable video shows little girl struggling to say 'ice cream'

Adorable video shows little girl struggling to say 'ice cream'

Can you remember which word you struggled with as a kid?

Adorable video shows little girl struggling to say 'ice cream'

A video showing toddler struggling to say 'ice cream' has gone viral.

The video shows the adorable little girl being asked to pronounce 'ice cream', but for some strange reason the word keeps coming out as 'comsonose'.

The person taking the video, who we speculate might be her father, tries asking her other words like "I" and "love", which she pronounces perfectly, but every time he says "ice cream", she hears 'comsonose'.

We're not really sure how or why ice cream sounds like comsonose , but this is definitely the cutest thing we've seen in a while!

Take a look at the cute video below. Comsonose, anyone?

ALSO WATCH: This baby eating ice cream is all of us on a hot summer's day

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