Young boy who made an Iron Man suit out of boxes

Young boy who made an Iron Man suit out of boxes

A boy with a dream to get into robotics makes an Iron Man suit out of cardboard boxes. 

A young boy wearing iron man suit made of cardboard boxes
A young boy wearing iron man suit made of cardboard boxes/Facebook/@SquadMagazine2

There's nothing quite like a child's imagination and will to achieve their dreams. 

It certainly says a lot about their ability to envision a life filled with good and is the epitome of inspiration. 

One such young boy was pictured a while back wearing an Iron Man suit that was made with cardboard boxes. 

The suit is not only impressive to look at but also features his ability in using a simple material such as recyclable cardboard to engineer a suit that was wearable. 

And check a video by the BBC on his suit. Courtesy of Instagram


"A 14-year-old Nigerian boy, Praise Kelechi, has shown off his improvisational skill of using cartons to create robots and other superhero costumes." (

Recently, a boy from Wiltshire, UK also created an impressive-looking Iron Man suit. Keiran Tucker took his passion for comics next level with his replica. Check out the pics below. 

Young man standing next to an Iron Man suit he made
Young man standing next to an Iron Man suit he made/Facebook/@TheWellingtonAcademy

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