Toddler explains why his sister makes a mess

Toddler explains why his sister makes a mess

Kids really do say the cutest things - and we love their line of thinking...

Toddler pointing to something
Toddler pointing to something/TikTok Screenshot/@mom_aldie

We can all agree that if you want pure entertainment, then you should spend time with a toddler. 

They are always honest (for the most part) and their interpretation of life is both innocent and oh so pure. 

This young boy proved that when he was having a conversation with his mom about his baby sister. 

He was explaining to his mother why his baby sister makes such a mess. 

During his explanation, he got side-tracked by what was on the TV and started talking about the birds on TV that he assumed were penguins. 

His ability to just switch from one topic to another is adorable. 

WATCH the adorable video below, courtesy of TikTok

@mom_aldie Trying to explain why his sister makes a mess 😆 then got distracted 😂 #fyp #toddler ♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys - Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey


Toddlers are certainly special in their own ways. 

And if there is one thing we encourage at this age, is to let them talk and express themselves as they wish, with guidance, but minimal interruption. 

Because it's that innocence and intelligence that will impact them positively in their growth. 

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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