Three instances that will inspire you to never give up...

Three instances that will inspire you to never give up...

Let's choose to have a great start to our week...

Monday Motivation on sparkled background
Monday Motivation on sparkled background/JacarandaFM

Life can get challenging at any given point and it isn't easy to just continue pushing when you feel drained. 

This is why social media can be such a driving force to staying motivated. 

Just hearing someone else's story, about how they are pressing on against all odds, can be so inspiring. It can add that spring to your step that you sometimes didn't know you needed. 

This is the reason we wanted to gather some great moments that have been shared online, and consequently share them with you. 

Because sometimes all we need is a nudge from the outside. Something of a driving force to get us feeling like there is nothing that we cannot do. Absolutely nothing...

It's like they say, even the word 'impossible' expands to read, 'I'm Possible'. So in saying that we wanted to share this video of a 48-year-old woman who just recently returned to high school to complete her studies. 

She is seen getting emotional over using a microscope for the first time. WATCH below, courtesy of Instagram

This video is not the first one of its kind. We have seen athletes that have started off their race on what seems like a bad note and then have beaten all the odds to win...

And in case you don't have anyone to cheer for you like she did, then you can always cheer for yourself. 

Check out this video of how an athlete does this. Courtesy of Instagram


This couple's love story is what movies are made of. Jeri and Mike beat all the odds when they got married 45 years ago. 

They are an interracial couple, so it wasn't just about defying societal stereotypes, but also the law. They are now celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary. 

Don't base your life's decisions on other people, but rather on what you believe. Trust that love always outweighs anything...

The two have also fought and beat cancer. WATCH a few clips from their life together. Courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Jacaranda FM

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