SEE: The mother and child bond is strong with all life forms...

SEE: The mother and child bond is strong with all life forms...

Mother elephant and her calf get trapped in a muddy drain...

Mother and baby elephant get stuck in drain
Mother and baby elephant get stuck in drain/Facebook Screenshot/@DelawareOnline

This story reminded us that the bond between mother and child goes beyond anything in life. 

Whether that is in the human race or the animal kingdom, the bond is deep and limitless.

A mother elephant and her one-year-old calf fell into a muddy drain on a golf course in Thailand. 

And rescuers came to their aid trying to assist. The mother fell unconscious, perhaps it was the shock of it all. 

Wildlife volunteers and vets performed CPR on mummy elephant, while rescuers attempted to help baby out of the drain. 

The little calf kept at it, trying to climb up from the muddy drain but kept slipping and sliding. 

It was as if the baby knew that something was wrong and felt the urgency of getting to its mother. 

Eventually, the calf was able to climb out and reunite with its mother. 

And then as they reunited, mom regained consciousness...

It was an emotional reunion and we were happy to hear that they were safe and sound in their forest after all the trauma. 


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