SA family emigrating lose their dog on the plane to France...

SA family emigrating lose their dog on the plane to France...

The dog's name is Jack Sparrow and don't stress it's a happy ending...

A black dog on a leash
A black dog on a leash/Twitter/@Sailor19592

Traveling with pets can be just as stressful if not more than traveling with kids. 

But the difference is that our pets are not given the same travel amenities that we are as humans. 

Animals have to travel in a completely different part of the plane, in this case, it was the cargo hold. 

A couple that were relocating to France waited at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris for their beloved dog.

After checking in with the airline, which was Ethiopian Airlines, they were not receiving any information. 

The family then tweeted about it to try and get some help. 

After some time they found Jack Sparrow, and the family tweeted the report that was provided to them by the airline. 

The report read that Jack was forgotten in the cargo hold, and that this should not happen again...

This should not have happened in the first place!


Luckily, Jack is fine but still this is something to learn from. 

Can people not be responsible to realise that animals are living creatures who need love and attention too?!

We hope that this never happens again...

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