Olympic medalist takes the lead at her son's sports day

Olympic medalist takes the lead at her son's sports day

What a race to compete in?

Woman coming first at a school sports race
Woman coming first at a school sports race/Twitter Screenshot/@Track_Gazette

Competing at our kid's sports events is something of a tradition. 

And although not all schools still engage in Parent's race, it is still something celebrated in many schools. 

Whether or not you are the parent that engages doesn't really matter when one of the fellow parent's is a Olympic medalist. 


In the above video we see one of the world's fastest female sprinters, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce participate at her son's sports day. (Video courtesy of Twitter)

Her record precedes herself, so big ups to the other mothers who participated. 

"Fraser-Pryce’s speed has carried her to eight Olympic medals – three of them gold – as well as 10 world titles, and now victory at her son’s sports day.

“Every point counts,” she commented, alongside a heart, smiley face, and rocket emojis, on a Facebook post showing the video." (MSN)

Her total obliteration of the other moms was quite entertaining to watch. Coming second, third or even last to Fraser-Pryce is definitely an honour. 

Considering her record. It was a good effort by the moms, but they never stood a chance. 

She definitely gained her son some popularity points, if he didn't already have them. 

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