No tobacco mural painted by primary school announced as competition winner

No tobacco mural painted by primary school announced as competition winner

Just spreading some beauty...

Students standing in front of a painted wall
Students standing in front of a painted wall/Facebook Screenshot/@ProtectOurNext

Children spreading their talent in positive and inspiring ways is what we like to hear about. 

Especially during this Youth Month - and that's exactly what we are celebrating today. 

"A striking NO to tobacco mural painted by pupils from Sharonlea Primary in Randburg has been announced as the winner of the Sibo Manqoba Schools Mural Art Competition." (MSN)

Learners from Sharonlea Primary School in Randburg, Johannesburg painted a mural that wasn't just beautiful, but also highlighted awareness about a social addiction. 

"The overall theme of each entry was a requirement for the school’s teams of Grade 5-7s’s artwork to focus on “tobacco harm; why quitting tobacco makes you a winner; or how tobacco influences your school community and environment”." (MSN)

The art initiative is part of something bigger with the National Department of Health. 

Their objective was to create something that would help with the messaging associated with the harmful effects of tobacco. 

The winners were allocated a wish list and decided to purchase technical and AV equipment for their school. 


Definitely a wonderful win for these schools, our healthcare system, as well as the youth in celebrating and embracing their talent this month. 

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