RECIPE: Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp's creative kiddies snack board

RECIPE: Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp's creative kiddies snack board

Every single day parents deal with picky eaters both big and small - Elana has a great tip to make your kid's food more exciting!

meat free kids cover

Get your little eaters into the kitchen and turn them into little chefs with our easy and fun cooking projects. They'll love tasting their handiwork, too!

READ: RECIPE: Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp’s meat-free stir-fry

Now that the kids are at home the whole day it might be difficult to think of new meal ideas all the time.

Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp explains that her task, as a mom, is to make it look more interesting. She saw a cool way to do just that on Pinterest a while ago and wanted to share.

"All it takes is some cookie cutters, which you use to cut shapes into the bread to make the meal look much more appealing and exciting."

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