Grandma turns tables on would-be hijackers by ramming into their car!

Grandma turns tables on would-be hijackers by ramming into their car!

A granny in a Jeep turned the tables on a group of men trying to hijack her in a driveway.

Driver rams into hijacker's car

A video was shared to Twitter on Friday showing a woman in a Jeep being followed into a yard by hijackers. 

In the video, the men followed the woman into the yard and can be seen getting out of their car and trying to gain access to her car while pointing guns. 

In instances like these, hijackers expect the victims to give them what they want, but instead of opening her doors, the would-be victim took her chances by hitting reverse and slamming the car behind her. The criminals got scared and fled. 

Also See: Mom hailed as a hero for fighting off child snatcher

Some Twitter users hailed the woman as a hero, while others said it was reckless of her and she's lucky the hijackers didn't shoot.

Watch the video below:

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