Eighty-three-year-old Ouma Peggy simply wants to be remembered

Eighty-three-year-old Ouma Peggy simply wants to be remembered

An elderly woman gives life advice and says all she wants, in the end, is to be remembered.

Ouma Peggy
Ouma Peggy/Screenshot/Green Renneisance

Ouma Peggy, 83, was recently featured in a short film about her life, shot and published by Green Renaissance 

In the film, she talks about the joy she gets from knitting jerseys for babies and children she meets in the streets and in grocery stores while running errands. 

The elderly woman has won a lot of hearts and touched many lives with her generous gesture.

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In the video, grandma Peggy shares her own pearls of wisdom. She talks about life so beautifully that you can’t help but want to live yours to the fullest. 

“I love life! We so fortunate to be alive! Aren’t we?”

“Lovely, day after day, every day is a challenge! You never know what’s going to happen or what is around the corner! It’s great to be alive and you must enjoy every minute of it!”

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Ouma Peggy says she spends most of her time knitting and never gets lonely. She also says she never has to buy wool, it simply comes to her. Her motivation for knitting and giving the jerseys away is simply the gratitude and pleasure she sees on the mothers’ faces when she hands over the jersey. She does it to see people smile.

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At the end of the video, she says, “I so badly want to be remembered” and we definitely think her wish will come true. We will remember her for a long time.

These were some of the comments from people who know her and strangers that were touched by her kindness. 

Watch the video below.

What's the one thing you want to be remembered for when you pass? 

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