Do you win at putting sleeping babies in their stroller?

Do you win at putting sleeping babies in their stroller?

The challenge of transferring a sleeping baby is real...

Mother is transferring her sleeping baby to his stroller
Mother is transferring her sleeping baby to his stroller/TikTok Screenshot/@whenkatiemetharry

We’ve all been there, when you finally get the kids to sleep and you’re out and about and now you are tasked with a grand mission.

The mission of getting them into their stroller successfully.

If you’ve ever been tasked with this mission, then you know how difficult it can be. 

 One mom shared this perfectly in a TikTok video - and she had the massive task of doing this with twins!

Can we give some praise to her superwoman capabilities please.

She was travelling with her family, and after the flight, she and her partner managed to get the kids asleep. But now were standing in front of the this very sensitive task. 

WATCH what happened below, courtesy of TikTok. 

@whenkatiemetharry Can she do it!? 👏🏽 I won’t lie, I’m a little disappointed that somehow kept Brooks asleep while I set up a double stroller with one hand but then fumbled the transfer 😭 but hey…1/2 is still a win for any twin mum am I right? #momsoftiktok #momhumor #momlife #sahmlife #momtok #travelwithbaby #travelwithkids #traveltips #familytravel ♬ Pretty Girls Walk - Big Boss Vette


Look, one out of two is a success in our books and was definitely in her book too.

We really felt that one though. She set up a whole double stroller with one hand and managed to keep him asleep and then, boom, awake during the transfer.

But we think it has something to do with the warmth of the bosom…

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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