Do you want your children to ‘spend like you say, not like you do’?

Do you want your children to ‘spend like you say, not like you do’?

What are the money lessons you not only need to teach them, but also need to learn for yourself as a parent?

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We unpacked all things money with Justin Harrison from the Money Podcast – a guest with all the wealth wisdom we need during this festive period.

WATCH: Bake with Us and Chef Jenny Morris!

To bottom line it, Justin says we need to STOP spending money on our children this Christmas! 

No way, right?

Watch our chat with this money expert to find out why he says we shouldn’t be emptying our purses on our kids right now and what the gift-giving dos and don’ts are for your children during the holidays.

WATCH: Stop! Don’t spend money on your children this Christmas

We talk about teaching our kids values and financial literacy and so much more – don’t miss this vital interview!

Keep up with Justin Harrison on the Money Podcast – available on all major podcast streaming platforms.

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