WATCH: Whirlwind online romance dies down as quickly as it turned up...

WATCH: Whirlwind online romance dies down as quickly as it turned up...

Love...A hard road for some...

Woman with roses and tattooed arm
Woman with roses and tattooed arm/Twitter/@way2heartless

There are those that are romantics who hopelessly follow their hearts. 

Sometimes their hearts lead them to their greatest love stories, whilst other times it's heartbreak hotel...

This love story started off on a dating site called, Hinge. The couple were so smitten that the lady who was from Canada took a flight over to the USA to meet her sweetheart. 

And this was just days after starting to speak online.

Sadly, the harder they fall, the harder they fall... if you know what we mean. 

The guy who goes by Heartless Kid, shared the below and then just as things started looking up, it all fell apart just as quickly. 

But by the looks of it, she didn't just fly up on her accord, he flew her into the country...

Impulsively sharing their love story online is one thing, but he went ahead and got inked with Alisa's name on his arm...


The high-on-love feeling came to a crashing end and the Heartless Kid shared the not-so-gory details below. 

It seems it was a matter of friendships and family and the inability to cut them off, as he put it. If you ask us, this screamed red flag relationship as soon as he says, "cut them off!".

Check out his break-up tweet below...

WATCH the video of his 'story time' below. Courtesy of YouTube

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