Is there any truth in the Oreo doomsday vault in Norway?

Is there any truth in the Oreo doomsday vault in Norway?

Oreo is known for their eccentric marketing campaigns, which we all secretly love, but is this one a fib?

A vault in an icy area with an Oreo cookie
A vault in an icy area with an Oreo cookie/Instagram Screenshot/@pubity

If anything, the pandemic taught us many, many things. Some good, some real... too real. 

But it has definitely been a learning experience. One that we don't want to remember or have to go through again. 

The realisation of something like the pandemic happening really left everyone in limbo mode. So, we can definitely understand if people go over-the-top with their future planning. 

After news of the Oreo Doomsday Vault two years ago, we were taken aback by the effort Oreo put in to house their precious sandwich cookies. 

Or were we? 

After all, we know them to be quite over-the-top and on point when it comes to being recognised as a memorable brand. 

They are definitely thought leaders in the branding world and have always managed to be on point with topical news. 


Two years on and people are checking in as to whether the GPS coordinates actually lead to a vault in Norway or whether it was all just a big marketing stunt. 

We would like to believe it's true, considering anything is possible in this day and age. 

The vault is said to be down the road from the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which was built to serve as the last hope in case the plant life on Earth comes to an end.

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