Sea lions chase beachgoers in hilarious video

Sea lions chase beachgoers in hilarious video

These sea lions just wanted some attention...

sea lion

When humans intrude on the space of wild animals, things have a habit of turning ugly very quickly.

That's why it is so important to respect the natural world and understand that you are using the turf of the animals - not the other way around.

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This video perfectly illustrates that line being crossed as a pair of sea lions are rudely woken up from nap time by some intrusive humans wanting a selfie.

The hilarious video below was captured on a beach near San Diego in California, USA. The sea lions can be seen chasing after beachgoers at great speed, causing chaos on the sand.

What we loved about the video above is how the news anchors break out into laughter and struggle to contain themselves as the action plays out.

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Thankfully, no one was hurt and it appears that these sea lions just wanted to send a warning to those on the beach.


Image Credit: Twitter / Charlianne Yeyna / CNN

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