Passenger habits that make travelling a nightmare

Passenger habits that make travelling a nightmare

Are you a frequent traveller due to a long distance relationship? Or perhaps it's a demanding job that's got you moving? What are the most annoying things people do on flights?

Annoying Passenger habbit

Whether in pursuit of better opportunities in foreign lands, or possibly on holiday on the most exotic island somewhere in the Caribbean, travelling is an integral and almost unavoidable part of every human being’s life. 

Travelling is such an unavoidable part of people’s lives that one could be forgiven for comparing it to taxes and death. Okay, maybe not so much!

The logic of travelling is really simple: getting from one point to the other using any of the modes of transport known to man. If rush hour traffic is anything to go by, it would be safe to assume that cars are the most commonly used of all the modes of transport. 

But of course, for the busy business executive, the long-distance family man or woman - flying is inevitable. 

Flying is of course not just an experience for the passenger but for the staff that make your trip as effortless as possible - the often under-appreciated flight attendant. 

Fellow travellers, please spare a thought for your flight attendant going forward because we are all human at the end of the day.

Care to learn about some of the things travellers do that flight attendants cannot stand? 

1. Using the lavatory barefoot or with just socks on

2. Standing in the galley, while we are working

3. Eating smelly foods that make the entire plane smell

4. Grooming yourself

5. Clapping after landing

Watch: an unruly passenger that insists on flying with her dog. Yes. Such people exist.

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