Don't be a victim again: spot a liar from a mile away with these simple signs

Don't be a victim again: spot a liar from a mile away with these simple signs

Ever wanted to have the super-power of telling when someone is lying to you? Fret not - help is only three tips away! Now you too can be a lie detecting superhero: now go and bust those lies!

lying pinocchio

Thanks to The Lad Bible, you can pulverize fibbers dead in their tracks. 

Here's the Top 3 ways of spotting a liar: 

(1) If they don't give you a straight answer

First of all, ask them a yes or no question. According to an FBI agent, if they answer anything other than 'yes' or 'no', you should be suspicious. If they do, ask the same question again. If they answer anything else other than 'yes' or 'no' again then the probability of them lying to you is much more likely.

(2) If they say 'well...'

Saying 'well' is a massive red flag. Apparently, this is a sign that the person in question is about to give an answer that they know the questioner is not expecting.

(3) If they don't answer this question with 'because I'm telling the truth'

Ask the person in question why you should believe them. Usually, honest people will respond with, 'because I'm telling the truth'. Any other variation ('I'm an honest person', 'You don't have to believe me then' or even 'I've got no reason to lie') is an indicator that they're telling fibs.

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