Nine of the most popular ways we deal with stress in South Africa

Nine of the most popular ways we deal with stress in South Africa

In South Africa, we do live quite stressful lives, from rising living expenses to demanding jobs. The question is, how do you manage the stress?


Sanlam released its annual retirement Benchmark Survey for 2017 recently, focusing on the financial wellness of employees in South Africa. 

The survey covered 1,317 well-educated professionals, questioning their coping mechanisms when it comes to financial stress.

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Here are the top 10 ways South Africans cope with money stress:

  • Strict budgeting and household financial discipline – 58.21%
  • Physical exercise (Gym, run, swim, cycle etc.)  – 32.35%
  • Obtain information by reading  – 28.43%
  • Prefer not to think about these issues – 20.22%
  • Speak to others – 15.20%
  • I use the services of a financial planner/adviser – 15.07%
  • Extend credit and/or loans to cover existing debt obligations – 11.52%
  • Purchased financial services to cover risks – 5.88%
  • Medication – 3.80%

11.52% of respondents indicted that they were not coping at all.

The Martin Bester Drive wants to know how you manage your stress levels?

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