Top 3 local musicians who rocked the radio with Carla Mackenzie

Top 3 local musicians who rocked the radio with Carla Mackenzie

South African musicians have taken their craft to international levels in 2017.


We saw incredible artists in studio with Carla Mackenzie – here’s a look at your top 3!

Francois Van Coke

Francois van Coke is more than just an incredible musician – he’s a musician with heart!

The South African rocker along with guitarist, Jedd Kossew, serenaded a patient in hospital – moving those in the ward to tears.

Mia Botha says she’s overwhelmed by the gesture and was at a loss for words.

Craig Lucas

Things got a bit comical in studio with The Voice SA winner, Craig Lucas, and The Late Show host Carla Mackenzie during a game of Guess The Song.

Dan Patlansky

Dan Patlansky blew you away with his story about what influences his music, including his daughter, and what it was like opening for Bruce Springsteen.

He says having children is a true blessing and has changed his music tremendously.

He even did a blues song inspired by his favourite snack… doughnuts!

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