Nicole Richie gets slapped in the face during an interview

Nicole Richie gets slapped in the face during an interview

This video is so unbelievably cringeworthy that we can't believe it actually happened!

nicole richi

We all have clumsy moments and we hope that they are not as cringeworthy as this interview?!

Kriya, who is a walking clumsy disaster at the best of times, knows exactly what Cat Greenleaf on Talk Stoop is going through right now. During an interview with Nicole Richie, Cat had an unfortunate moment where she literally slapped Richie in the head.

Slightly confused?

Have a look at this meme.

slap face

That is exactly what happened.

Yes, it may have been set up as a high-five by Greenleaf, but it went horribly, irrevocably, and unforgettably wrong.

Fast forward to 20 seconds into the video for all the action.

This has got to be one of the most embarrassing moments of Cat Greenleaf's career and she recovers quite well. How do you recover from embarrassing moments?

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