Have you borrowed stuff from your friends that you haven't returned?

Have you borrowed stuff from your friends that you haven't returned?

Kriya has realised that she is the friend that "forgets" to return stuff to her friends.

jersey face

This weekend I was cleaning out my cupboard and was quite surprised to find a number of clothing items that actually don't belong to me. 

Yes, I have become that friend, the one who takes things and doesn't return them. When did this happen?!

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Disgusted with himself, I decided that it was time to create little piles and return these items to my friends and family. Thank goodness most of the clothing belonged to family so I could easily play the unconditional love card and hopefully get away with being "that" person.

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I asked you if you are the friend that lends items to other friends or if you are the "thief". This is what you had to say:

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