Would you get Trump's face shaved into your hair?

Would you get Trump's face shaved into your hair?

There are many ways to show your support for a politician, but would you ever take things as far as this man did?

trump haircut
Facebook/XB Hair

Barbers see a lot of crazy things in their line of work. 

People are very serious about their hair, and will do almost anything to make sure they walk out of the shop with the hairstyle they want. 

Even though we are living in a time where men have countless options for styling their hair, often times people stick to something simple. If it isn't an extraordinary colour or a very intricate pattern shaved into the hair, there aren't many surprises when it comes to men's hair. Until now, that is. 

A barber at XB Hair in Taiwan managed to transform one customer's hair into a full-on portrait of Donald Trump, and the results are fascinating.

The portrait is incredibly accurate. Can you imagine walking past someone with this haircut?

The barbers at XB Hair have also shaved Mickey Mouse, the Mona Lisa, and Marilyn Monroe into people's hair. 

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Which celebrity face would you want shaved onto your head?

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