This is what happens when you volunteer to wash Rian van Heerden's car

This is what happens when you volunteer to wash Rian van Heerden's car

Hubert Prinsloo promised to wash the Scenic Drive team's cars for one year in exchange for some help with planning his friend's bachelor party. This is how things turned out. 

hubert prinsloo washing cars
MorneJK/Hubert Prinsloo came in full costume to fulfill his promise.

Earlier this week on The Scenic Drive with Rian we heard how Hubert Prinsloo volunteered to wash everyone on the team's cars in exchange for a small favour: Rian, Thabiso, and Marcelle giving him ideas for his friend's bachelor party. 

The listeners joined in, adding their suggestions for a good bachelor party, and by the end of the hour Hubert's party was halfway planned!

So, of course, it came time for Hubert to make good on his promise. 

Hubert is a very good sport and is braving the winter afternoon chill to hold up his side of the bargain. 

But let this be a warning to anyone else who wants to ask for Rian's help in exchange for a wacky favour: don't think that we will not take you up on your offer!

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