This is what happens when you put a turbo engine in Barbie's toy Mustang

This is what happens when you put a turbo engine in Barbie's toy Mustang

This is souped-up Barbie car is not your ordinary miniature Mustang!

souped up barbie car
Youtube screenshot

Miniature cars are the choice toy of the rich and famous. After all, what's more fun than watching your child zip around in a cute little car?

They think they are adults on the road when they get behind those toy wheels - it's adorable. But what do you do once your child outgrows their miniature vehicle?

For Ethan and Edwin of Grind Hard Plumbing Co on YouTube, the answer is "put a big ol' engine in it!". The two men, known for being car enthusiasts who will put almost any "crazy contraption" to the test, put a 240cc dirt bike engine into a pink Barbie Ford Mustang. 

The results were as dangerous as they sound.

The driver squeezed himself into the car (the seat was customised to just about fit a full-grown human) and raced around in the gravel. And it was a very impressive run - until he almost took the tiny car right over a cliff!

Everyone was safe at the end of the experiment, but this was certainly nothing like your uncle's favourite episode of Top Gear!

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