“Well done on making it this far" - Tamaryn Green's message to South Africans

“Well done on making it this far" - Tamaryn Green's message to South Africans

Former Miss South Africa, Miss Universe Runner-Up, and medical doctor Tamaryn Green salutes South Africans for making it through this difficult year.

Tamaryn Green
Instagram/ Tamaryn Green

In March South Africa went into a national lockdown due to COVID-19. 

The country and the world came to a standstill - but that was not the case for our hospitals. 

South African hospitals were overcrowded and short-staffed. Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and other frontline workers were pushing hard to help COVID-19 patients. 

Miss South Africa 2018 and Miss Universe Runner-up, Tamaryn Green, was one of those doctors. 

"We find ourselves in a very difficult time, and I personally find myself becoming more anxious as I step into hospital every day," Green wrote on Instagram in July. 

This year will be quite different for her as she's living away from home and as an intern doctor, she's yet to find out if she's working on Christmas or not.

"Christmas in the Green household has always been celebrated with opening gifts at midnight sharp, entering the day listening to Christmas carols and attending the morning church service. The day then continues by gathering with the larger family exchanging gifts and eating loads and loads of delicious food."

"My favourite Christmas dish is the classic trifle. It’s not necessarily my favourite, but I love how everyone else loves it! And there’s always a low key competition as to who can make the best trifle," she laughs. 

After a very challenging and emotional year, Green wants to salute each and every one of us for making it this far. 

“Well done on making it this far, it won’t be like this forever.“

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