South African legend Amanda Strydom reminisces with Rian

South African legend Amanda Strydom reminisces with Rian

Amanda Strydom, singer, songwriter and playwright, stopped by the Scenic Drive studios for a chat with Rian. 

amanda strydom
Jacaranda FM

Amanda Strydom wrote her first song, Ek Loop die Pad, at the urging of her friends. They must have known that she had an incredible talent for singing and songwriting. That first song went on to become wildly popular and set Amanda on the path to a very successful career in the arts. 

Amanda has worked as a singer, songwriter, actress, activist, and playwright throughout her time in the South African entertainment industry. Many will remember a 1986 live performance at which she raised a fist into the air in a black power salute. This political statement became known as the 'Amandla! incident'. 

Amanda had a brief stint in the USA while she was pursuing a career as an actress. She spoke to Rian about that time in her life. 

Amanda has kept up with the live performance circuit over the years and is a regular at KKNK. Presently, Amanda is performing her much-loved show State of the Heart.
Naturally, Rian was curious about Amanda's personal definition of true love. The answer she gave was simple yet profound:

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