Scenic Drive listeners from United Kingdom and Denmark are ready for #BackyardBraai

Scenic Drive listeners from United Kingdom and Denmark are ready for #BackyardBraai

Our very first virtual #BackyardBraai is going international!

Cornel Galtrey
Supplied/ Cornel Galtrey from United Kingdom

Since February, the Scenic Drive with Rian team has been unable to host their well-known #Straatbraai due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This coming Friday, the 11th of December, the Scenic Drive team is hosting their very first virtual #BackyardBraai in Valhalla, Centurion - made possible by A.Vogel Multiforce. 

READ: Our first virtual #BackyardBraai - and we are going to Valhalla!

You and your family and friends can be part of the virtual #BackyardBraai - no matter where you are in the world. 

Listeners from the United Kingdom and Denmark have registered for the event.

Cornel Galtrey from the United Kingdom in Leicester and Craig Botha from Denmark in Karup will enjoy the fun-filled day with their family and friends at their #BackyardBraai. 

Register here, tell us what your ultimate Braai anthem is, and if we pick your entry, you could win R5,000 in cash. 

#BackyardBraai Map
Jacaranda FM

Tune in to the 'Scenic Drive with Rian', weekdays from 16:00-19:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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