Russian fast food rivalry ends in flames

Russian fast food rivalry ends in flames

Being a restaurant mascot can be a thankless job. The last thing any mascot needs is a rival restaurant to pick a fight with them. Watch how two rival mascots in Russia settle a fiery dispute...

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Standing outside a fast food restaurant in a very warm costume can be draining, so it is no wonder that these restaurant mascots in Russia had such high tempers.

The two, dressed as a cartoon chef and a coin, got into an argument about who could stand where on the sidewalk. The dispute got physical, with both sides throwing punches. But what happened at the end of the fight is what caused the restaurant owners to get the police involved.

Not willing to take defeat lying down, the chef set fire to the coin's costume!

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There have been concerns about what a fiery dispute such as this will do for both businesses. Will customers stop frequenting the restaurants in question?

Or was this perhaps a staged publicity stunt, designed to get people talking... and eating?

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