Rian van Heerden's stepfather loses battle against COVID-19

Rian van Heerden's stepfather loses battle against COVID-19

On Friday evening, Rian van Heerden shared the sad news that his stepfather, Jules van der Merwe passed away from COVID-19.

Rian van Heerden
Supplied/ Rian's mother and stepfather

"COVID claimed the life of my stepdad tonight. I will always remember your brilliant mind and your dad jokes. Rest in peace, Jules van der Merwe," Van Heerden wrote on Facebook. 

READ: "It's been a hectic few days" - Rian van Heerden's mother tests positive for COVID-19

On the 27th of July, Van Heerden shared the news that his mother tested positive for COVID-19 on the age of 84. 

"My mom tested positive for COVID-19 at age 84. In the last 24 hours, I have learned more about the disease than I thought I would." 

He added that when COVID-19 knocks on your door - one's perspective about the lockdown regulations changes. 

COVID claimed the life of my stepdad tonight. I will always remember your brilliant mind and your dad jokes....Rest in peace Jules van der Merwe.

Posted by Rian van Heerden on Friday, August 7, 2020

Jacaranda FM and The Scenic Drive with Rian are keeping the Van Heerden and Van der Merwe family in our prayers during this difficult time. 

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