Rian shares a video of a thief who won't let a broken leg slow him down

Rian shares a video of a thief who won't let a broken leg slow him down

Even thieves want to be stylish, and this man from Los Angeles wouldn't let anything stand between him and a snapback.

limping robber

A report by FOX News Los Angeles included CCTV footage of a thief who, after jumping two floors down at a shopping centre, broke his ankle and knocked a few of his teeth out. 

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The man is clearly determined to get away with what he came to the store for, because limping does not slow him down. He keeps his eye on the prize: a $32 dollar cap. 

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When interviewed by CBS Los Angeles, the store owner, Victor Perez, said: "He is obviously stylish: he had the bleached hair and a mohawk, and boots. He doesn't look like he needs anything."

So the man in question probably just wanted a great cap to complete his look? Too bad he has high-end style on a thrift store budget. 

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