Rasheed Pandy: Inventor of the iconic Gatsby

Rasheed Pandy: Inventor of the iconic Gatsby

The inventor of the iconic Gatsby, Rasheed Pandy, joined the Scenic Drive to share the history behind the delicious meal.

Rasheed Pandy
Rasheed Pandy/ Street Food Festival

When most people hear the word ‘Gatsby’, they think mysterious millionaire from the book and movie, 'The Great Gatsby'.

When Capetonians hear it, they think of the foot-long bread roll with hot chips, dripping with sauce and crammed with everything and anything you can think of.

However, many don't know the history behind this street food. The Scenic Drive met the man responsible for the invention of the Gatsby, Rasheed Pandy. 

According to Pandy, the Gatsby is a footlong bread roll stuffed with hot chips, usually a protein like steak, salami, viennas or calamari, and a spicy sauce, with a hint of lettuce or tomato.

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Rashaad Pandy has been operating his takeaway business Super Fisheries in Athlone, Cape Town since 1974.

The Gatsby was created by accident when Pandy found himself in one of those ‘nothing to eat’ moments. The first Gatsby he made contained chips, polony, and atchar. 

Pandy mentioned that the food was so well-received that he made it a permanent fixture on his menu and the rest, as they say, is history. 

Over the years, variations of the Gatsby have been introduced – each being saucy and delicious in their own way.

Listen to the full interview below: 

Have you ever had a Gatsby?

Tune in to the 'Scenic Drive with Rian', weekdays from 16:00-19:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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