Rapport editor Waldimar Pelser talks about his new book and favourite stories

Rapport editor Waldimar Pelser talks about his new book and favourite stories

The hard-hitting Editor-In-Chief of Rapport, Waldimar Pelser, joined the Scenic Drive to talk about his brand new book and some of his all-time favourite stories. 

Waldimar Pelser
Jacaranda FM

He calls Julius Malema a "racist, dictator and fascist", the ANC "a bunch of crab eaters", and former president Jacob Zuma a "corrupt, sexist political tsotsi".

Yes, Waldimar Pelser is afraid of no one. 

In 2013, Pelser became the Editor-In-Chief of Rapport newspaper. 

With two master degrees from Stellenbosch and Oxford, slim body, and short beard - Pelser is the definition of a hard-hitting journalist. 

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He joined Die Burger in Cape Town in 2002, moved to Beeld in Jo'burg, became Africa correspondent for the Media24 group in Lagos, edited the magazine NewsNow, and then became the big boss of Rapport. 

However, his talents don't stop there. In 2016, Pelser became the award-winning presenter and anchor of the live news and actuality show 'KN Verslag In Gesprek.'

Pelser recently released his brand new book, 'In Gesprek Met Waldimar Pelser', where he shares his 100 favourite investigations and interviews. 

"I grew up with newspapers. It was a thing - every Sunday.

"Years ago, Miss South Africa was a very big thing - and that was the favourite part for me, reading about the new Miss South Africa.

"My new book is to share some of the most iconic political moments in South Africa that we investigated." 


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