Ranger attacked by elephant joins Rian to recall the terrifying moment

Ranger attacked by elephant joins Rian to recall the terrifying moment

In 2018, Erick Breedt was attacked by an elephant - he joined Rian van Heerden to share the moment.

Game Ranger
Jacaranda FM

Ranger, Erick Breedt was aggressively attacked by an elephant and he went through a terrible time while recovering. 

Four elephants began chasing Breedt while he was on duty. 

Unfortunately, one elephant continued to chase Erick, knelt down and nailed him to a tree.

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After the horrific incident, he managed to crawl roughly 30 metres to a nearby road. The local paramedics found the victim sitting in the road, and helped him. 

Erick Breedt joined the Scenic Drive team to share this moment.

"I underwent twelve operations," he said. 

"I'm still recovering - but when I'm ready I would return to the wildlife."

"She started chasing me and immediately attacked me."

"She did not stop - and I couldn't breathe. My trachea was ripped out."

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