Pretoria's 'Hobo with a Smile' chats to Rian

Pretoria's 'Hobo with a Smile' chats to Rian

Steve Loock has been living on the streets for almost 20 years. His "hey, smile" sign has lifted the spirits of many drivers in Pretoria. 

steve loock billboard

For the past five years, Steve Loock has stood at the intersections in Pretoria's suburbs with a sign that says "hey, smile". 
Loock shared a little bit of story with Rian, explaining that though he may be homeless, he is not a beggar. Instead, he says, he offers a service to commuters by reminding them to take a moment to appreciate life. Loock has been living "in the wilderness", as he describes it, for 19 years. 

Those who have met Loock have snapped a photo of him with his colourful sign to remember the moment. 

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