Pieter has his own real-life 'The Hangover' experience

Pieter has his own real-life 'The Hangover' experience

Pieter van der Merwe woke up on Saturday morning expecting nothing out of the ordinary. But that was before his friends rushed in to take him away for a surprise bachelor party. 

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Preparing for a wedding can be stressful. You have to decide on the guest list, you have to pick out a suit or a dress, you have to lock down a venue - the to-do list goes on forever. It can feel like nothing will truly settle in until you are at the church in front of the pastor. 

But there is one pre-wedding activity that is always worth the fun: the bachelor (and bachelorette) parties.

People pull out all the stops for this "last night of freedom", surprising their friends with parties that include outrageous activities that those who were at the party are often too ashamed to talk about on Monday at the office. And that is the fun of bachelor and bachelorette parties: you never know what could happen!

In Pieter's case, you may not even have any idea when it is happening. And you might not even know where you are going. But, as these pictures show, you will definitely have fun. 

Of course, what happens at a bachelor party stays (mostly) at the bachelor party. All Pieter could tell us for sure is that he was "somewhere in the North-West" and that a group of kind bikers bought him a drink to kick the night off.

Well, whatever happened at the undisclosed location, we're glad to have him back in-studio in one piece!

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