PICTURES: Miley Cyrus' sister Brandi dates Afrikaans man

PICTURES: Miley Cyrus' sister Brandi dates Afrikaans man

Miley Cyrus' sister, Brandi, is dating a South African man - and he is Afrikaans!

Brandi Cyrus
Instagram/ Brandi Cyrus

Brandi Cyrus is the elder sister of American singers Miley and Noah Cyrus.

Brandi is currently making headlines for dating a South African man, Reinardt Visser. 

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In February, Cyrus visited Visser in South Africa at Tswalu Kalahari.

In July, Cyrus posted on Instagram that they haven't been together in over 100 days. 

"113 days - that’s how long it’s been that my boyfriend & I have been apart. Most of you guys know that he is from South Africa, and many of you know that we were making plans to live together this May. Well, with travel bans galore thanks to the ongoing pandemic, neither of us have been allowed to travel to each other’s country," Cyrus wrote on her personal Instagram page. 

On Wednesday, Cyrus wished her boyfriend a happy birthday. Cyrus also expressed how much she misses him - and she wrote it in Afrikaans. 

"Ongelooflik baie lief vir jou."

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