Joe Mann and Jessica welcome baby LaMo

Joe Mann and Jessica welcome baby LaMo

Joe Mann and his fianceé, Jessica, welcomed a baby boy, Ke'ano LaModimo Maredi Mampuru.

Joe Mann Baby
Supplied/ Joe Mann

2020 was truly an eventful year for Joe and his fiancée, Jessica. 

In January, Joe Mann proposed to Jessica, during a romantic trip to Mozambique. Soon after his proposal, Joe shared the special moment with the Scenic Drive team. In the video, Joe got down on one knee and asked the big question - all while Ed Sheeran was playing in the background!

READ: Joe Mann and Jessica are expecting a baby!

In August, Joe shared even more exciting news; when he announced on air that they are expecting their first child. Joe and Jessica decided to reveal the gender of the baby live on the Scenic Drive. Watch the moment here.

In 2021, Joe Mann lost both his parents due to COVID-19. After experiencing traumatic events, Joe Mann is excited to be a father of a baby boy, Ke'ano LaModimo Maredi Mampuru or as everyone already calls him, baby LaMo. 

"It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Ke'ano LaModimo Maredi Mampuru. Born 16 February 2021 at 00:01. Baby and Jess are doing well. He came in at a whopping 4.37kg and 53cm tall. Welcome baby LaMo!" 

Baby LaMo received special life lessons from Rian van Heerden's mother and other elderly of the community.

Life lessons from the elderly for LaMo:

1. Be humble. Fame & money fades.

2. Ask for help

3. It takes more time to correct something than to do it right the first time.

4. Love all your children the same way and same level. No favourites.

5. Don’t anger the person that sleeps with you at night, at the breakfast table.

6. Life is about the journey, not the destination. Family and friends are all you have. Make every day count.

7. Have patience with your children. And work TOGETHER as a family, with discipline and love.

8. Accept people the way they are. Everyone’s unique.

9. Be helpful.

10. Trust in God to give you strength and guidance.

Congratulations, Joe and Jessica! We cannot wait to meet baby LaMo!

Tune in to the 'Scenic Drive with Rian', weekdays from 16:00-19:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

Photo Credit: Supplied/ Joe Mann

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