Philicity Reeken shares emotional message about her mother

Philicity Reeken shares emotional message about her mother

The Scenic Drive presenter Philicity Reeken shared an emotional message about her mother - which had us all in tears.

Philicity Reeken
Jacaranda FM

Earlier on Friday, the fun, energetic, and unapologetic Philicity Reeken shared an emotional post on social media - and we were all in tears after we read it. 

On Thursday, Reeken went to her mother to drop off a few things - and just before she left her mother gave her, her last baby towel nappy. 

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Her mother kept the soft towel nappy for 39 years. 

Reeken said on social media: "This nappy contains all my Mom's hopes and dreams for me. I hope I can fulfil every one of them for her." 

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